Grinding and honing
A long journey of over 40 years in search of solutions for the most complex machining operations has enabled us to acquire the technical and meterological skills to manufacture and inspect components with geometrical and dimensional tolerances of a few thousandths, and roughness down to Rt of less than 1 µ.
14 adjustments of different types
- 4 CNC for external or internal/external max 130 mm
- 2 for external hydraulic with electronic meter in process
- 1 CNC centerless max 80 mm
- 4 without hydraulic centers
- 1 CNC tangential max 650 mm
- 1 CNC vertical honing machine max 120 mm
- 1 horizontal honing machine max 25 mm
Studer – Tacchella – Mar – Morara – Palmary - Delta

Honing holes
CNC vertical honing allows a wide range of machining operations with holes from 12 to 120 mm, to achieve very tight tolerances while respecting the geometry of the component. In parallel, with finishing operations, the CNC's high sensitivity allows finishes with Rt values < 1 µ or Ra < 0.05 µ to be realised.
Horizontal honing is suitable for honing and lapping holes from 4 to 20 mm with Rt values < 2 µ or Ra < 0.1 µ.
Other types of processing
We manage all stages of the production process internally to ensure quality control and adherence to schedules.
Would you like more information?
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